video – Upper Deck talk

Posted by Kate on April 11, 2007 at 11:16 am  

Keith talking on the upper deck.


2 Comments so far

  1. James Raptis on April 12, 2007 11:24 am

    It’s pretty cool to see video of
    you guys from the middle of the ocean.
    Amazing technology.

  2. Jay R. Penney, CFP, CFA on April 16, 2007 2:48 pm


    You are my hero, dude!!! Nice boat!!! I love it!!! What a way to see the world, and no better time than the present to do it!

    Also, I love the fact that you are out of the country on Tax Day!!! Coincidence? I’m sure not. Following the sale of Degreen Financial Megacorp Industries, Ltd., I’m sure you took care of that “little” matter before the trip began, but if not, you’d better be headed to a country without an extradition treaty with the US! Hopefully, you can drop the millions off on your way by your offshore accounts in the Bahamas or Nevis, or wherever you rich guys hide your dough these days!!

    Best of luck with the trip, and I’ll be checking in from time to time! Be safe!



    Great to hear from you! Yes, I did dutifully pay all taxes — as always — before my departure. Wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea! No offshore accounts for me. On the 1040 there’s a little box that asks: “Do you control any accounts outside the U.S.?” I call that the “please audit me” box.

    I hope your tremendous hard work and great skill are paying enormous dividends for you, at this stage of your career. You deserve it!


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