Life in the Slow Lane: Back at the Hawaii Yacht Club

Posted by Keith on April 24, 2007 at 4:13 pm  

As one of our website visitors, himself a boating enthusiast, said: “We don’t have a schedule, and we’re sticking to it!”

I’m back with The Global Adventure at the simply wonderful Hawaii Yacht Club at the Ali Wai Marina in downtown Honolulu. It’s breezy and beautiful, but yes we really are going to depart for Majuro. Weather permitting, we’re out of here Sunday right after our radio show.

First Mate Rip Knot and I are busy educating ourselves, with the help of computer and communications gurus back home, on how better to send video and photographic content to you while we are at sea. We’ve made great progress learning, and should have many interesting clips and photos for you prospectively.

Meanwhile, we learned coming over here, how NOT to store certain items aboard; so Captain Wolf has rearranged everything. Wolf, who genuinely loves putting on his overalls and spending the day in the engine room, has — with Rip’s help — fixed a couple of minor items, changed the oil in the main engine, and in the generator, installed a water purification system for our tap water in the kitchen, replaced the battery in our dingy, and generally made a dozen other beneficial adjustments — all as we prepare to depart this most distant the great United States, for areas without Home Depots, electronics stores, or Furuno navigation experts.

This afternoon, as Rip continues to learn more about sending videos, Wolf and I are driving over to Ko ‘Olina — an area developed by Marriott, that I discussed on this week’s radio show. I’ll check out some real estate there for fun, but mainly we are going to visit with a potential new hire for the crew. If all goes well, we’ll have our fourth crew member with us when we depart for Majuro.




2 Comments so far

  1. David on April 25, 2007 10:59 am

    Whoever you are quoting about that ‘schedule’ thing is brilliant…just my opnion.


  2. Colleen on April 25, 2007 12:18 pm

    Hey, I met Rip and Wolf at the fuel dock doing laundry. Thanks for the info on this great adventure. I love the website and will be following you.


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